
mercoledì 21 settembre 2011

For men of yesterday and those of today

...And a little video (this is my first video on the blog!) about the precedent post!
...E un piccolo video (è il mio primo video sul blog!) in riferimento al post precedente!

10 commenti:

  1. I don't think my first comment went through....if it did, I apologize for sending this a second time. I was thanking you for visiting and following my blog today!! Your comments were so kind and they really touched my heart! I am following both your blogs!! You have done a great job of organizing them, and the photos you take are fantastic!! I look forward to viewing your future "works of art"!! Much kindness and best wishes...~ alice

  2. i miei complimenti per il report e le foto! a presto, bacio!!! =)

  3. ALICE i can see only one comment! don't worry about it!
    you're are welcome! your blog is wonderful!!!
    tnk you for being one of my followers! I really appreciate it!
    I hope to see soon some new post on your blog!

    GUIDO grazie mille!!!

  4. Ehiii
    ho scoperto di avere anche io un account google! :D
    Bellissima anche questa seconda serie!! :)

  5. Mi piacciono molto la prima e l'ultima, dove hai fermato l'elicottero!! :-)

  6. TURISTADIMESTIERE grazie mille! anche per essere un mio follower!!

    DANIELA grazieee!!! la prima con il fumo segnalatore piace molto anche a me! :)

  7. love it!!you're really good at taking pictures :)
